Uploaded On Oct. 16, 2013, 6:02 p.m.
Uploaded By matts
Status Test
        <displayName>Base URL</displayName>
        <description>Usually of the form http://&lt;journal-name&gt;.com/</description>
        <description>DOI, transformed to become a legal XML ID or
file name, like &apos;10.5072__FK298700&apos;.</description>
    <string>&quot;%s&quot;, doi</string>
    <string>&quot;%s/lockss-manifest.html&quot;, base_url</string>
    <string>edu.purdue.purr is a specialized version of HarvestAllFilesInSubdirectory, where the &apos;volume_name&apos; parameter has been replaced by the &apos;doi&apos; parameter.

Note that the DOI value has been transformed to a valid XML ID and Linux file name by stripping the initial &apos;doi:&apos; and substituting double-underline (&apos;__&apos;) for the filename-XML-ID-illegal slash character (&apos;/&apos;). As an example, &apos;doi:10.5072/FK298700&apos; would become &apos;10.5072__FK298700&apos; under these rules. The DOI value identifies a BagIt-formatted subdirectory where all of the files for the AU are kept.

Please note that &apos;base_url&apos; is used instead of a fixed URL everywhere a URL is required in this plugin for flexibility&apos;s sake. The Crawl Rules are set up to include only the main LOCKSS manifest page and the files inside of the AU directory (the directory named by the &apos;doi&apos; parameter).</string>
    <string>Purdue University Research Repository Plugin</string>
      <string>4,&quot;^%s&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;%s/lockss-manifest.html&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;^%s/%s/&quot;, base_url, doi</string>