Uploaded On May 4, 2012, 5:29 p.m.
Uploaded By matts
Status Production (approved on May 4, 2012, 5:29 p.m. by matts)
    <string>&quot;BC Digital Collection %s&quot;, volume_name</string>
    <string>Boston College DigiTool Plugin</string>
    <string>This plugin starts to crawl at Base_URL/lockss/manifest.html 
If fetches all content it encounters whose urls start with Base_URL. 
It is useful for small sites that are to be harvested completely as they are delivered from web servers. Sites that are database/software driven may want to include database dumps and software archives and link to them from the manifest page.</string>
      <string>4,&quot;^%s&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;%s/manifest.html$&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;^%s/lockss/manifest\.html$&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;^%s/lockss/%s.*$&quot;, base_url, volume_name</string>
      <string>1,&quot;^%s/webclient/DeliveryManager\?metadata_request=true&amp;GET_XML=1&amp;pid=[0-9]+$&quot;, base_url</string>
    <string>&quot;%s/lockss/manifest.html&quot;, base_url</string>
        <displayName>Base URL</displayName>
        <description>Usually of the form http://&lt;journal-name&gt;.com/</description>
        <displayName>Volume Name</displayName>