Title Glomeratas: Full Resolution TIFFs
Archive IH
Plugin edu.auburn.glomeratatif2 by Auburn University
Base URL http://digdata1.lib.auburn.edu/glomeratas/
Description This collection contains viewable pages of the Auburn University yearbook--The Glomerata--from the 1897 volume onward. The volumes contain chapters on the university administration, faculty members and students (with photographs), student organizations, fraternities and sororities, military programs (ROTC), athletics, special features and humor, and period advertisements from local merchants. They are an excellent source of information and insights on student and campus life--and the surrounding culture.
Repository Type Not specified

Related Items

AccrualPeriodicity yearly
AccessRights unrestricted
Creator Auburn University
Description This collection contains viewable pages of the Auburn University yearbook--The Glomerata--from the 1897 volume onward. The volumes contain chapters on the university administration, faculty members and students (with photographs), student organizations, fraternities and sororities, military programs (ROTC), athletics, special features and humor, and period advertisements from local merchants. They are an excellent source of information and insights on student and campus life--and the surrounding culture.
Extent 3000000000
Format image/tiff
Format application/http
Language eng
Publisher Auburn
Rights Auburn University holds copyright to the yearbook.
Spatial Auburn (Lee County), Alabama
Temporal 1897-
    <string>&quot;Glomeratas-Tif %d (%s)&quot;, year, base_url</string>
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      <string>1,&quot;%s%d/manifest\.html&quot;, base_url, year</string>
      <string>1,&quot;%s%d/%dB/.*\.tif&quot;, base_url, year, year</string>
      <string>1,&quot;%s%d/%dB/manifest\.html&quot;, base_url, year, year</string>
    <string>&quot;%s%d/manifest.html&quot;, base_url, year</string>
        <displayName>Base URL</displayName>
        <description>Usually of the form http://&lt;journal-name&gt;.com/</description>
        <description>Four digit year (e.g., 2004)</description>
Parameter Values Status Copies