Title The Becker Collection
Archive GEN
Plugin edu.bc.DigiToolPlugin by Boston College
Base URL http://dcollections.bc.edu
Description The Becker Collection contains approximately 650 drawings by Joseph Becker and his colleagues, nineteenth-century artists who worked as artist-reporters for Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly observing, drawing, and sending back for publication images of the Civil War, the construction of the railroads, the laying of the transatlantic cable in Ireland, the Chinese in the West, the Indian wars, the Chicago fire, and numerous other aspects of nineteenth-century American culture.
Repository Type DigiTool

Related Items

AccrualPeriodicity quarterly
Language eng
    <string>&quot;BC Digital Collection %s&quot;, volume_name</string>
    <string>Boston College DigiTool Plugin</string>
    <string>This plugin starts to crawl at Base_URL/lockss/manifest.html 
If fetches all content it encounters whose urls start with Base_URL. 
It is useful for small sites that are to be harvested completely as they are delivered from web servers. Sites that are database/software driven may want to include database dumps and software archives and link to them from the manifest page.</string>
      <string>4,&quot;^%s&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;%s/manifest.html$&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;^%s/lockss/manifest\.html$&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;^%s/lockss/%s.*$&quot;, base_url, volume_name</string>
      <string>1,&quot;^%s/webclient/DeliveryManager\?metadata_request=true&amp;GET_XML=1&amp;pid=[0-9]+$&quot;, base_url</string>
    <string>&quot;%s/lockss/manifest.html&quot;, base_url</string>
        <displayName>Base URL</displayName>
        <description>Usually of the form http://&lt;journal-name&gt;.com/</description>
        <displayName>Volume Name</displayName>
Parameter Values Status Copies