Title Historical Soil Survey Maps of South Carolina
Archive GEN
Plugin edu.sc.histsoilsurveymaps by University of South Carolina
Base URL http://tyche.tcl.sc.edu
Description Collection contains TIF, JPG, HTML, Excel document and DCXML. At the close of the 19th century the U.S. Department of Agriculture, along with individual state agencies, began the collection of vast amounts of pedogenic information for the sake of not only farmers but also for developers and industry. Much of this compiled information was released and distributed in the form of Soil Surveys. These books with accompanying maps were prepared to explain the soil classifications on the county level for the entire United States. This information could then be utilized to determine an area's suitability for various types of agricultural and industrial endeavors based on the soil's classification. The USDA continues to issue updated versions of these soil surveys which have much more detailed information than the originals done in the early years of the 1900's. The true value of the original soil survey is not in their soil information but in the basic cultural data which was overlaid on the base map. Today archaeologists, historians, and environmental engineers are among the many researchers that rely on the older soil survey collection. The older maps contain information of significance that is not available on updated soil surveys or even the USGS topographic maps. Examples of this are: old rail lines, schools, churches and other structures as well as entire towns that no longer exist.
Repository Type Not specified

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AccrualPeriodicity no longer
AccessRights unrestricted
Extent 2147483647
Language eng
Publisher SCarolina
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Parameter Values Status Copies