Title Rare Books
Archive GEN
Plugin edu.vt.library.generic by Virginia Tech
Base URL http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/digital_books
Description The rare books digitized at Virginia Tech
Repository Type Not specified

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This collection has no metadata.
        <displayName>Base URL</displayName>
        <description>Usually of the form http://&lt;journal-name&gt;.com/</description>
    <string>&quot;All Files for Collection contained in %s&quot;, base_url</string>
    <string>&quot;%s/lockss/manifest.html&quot;, base_url</string>
    <string>This plugin will harvest all files in a subdirectory of a given base URL.  The Base URL is expected to not contain a trailing slash [/].  The manifest page must be located at /lockss/manifest.html of the base directory.  Useful for small, static collections with no defined structure that would lend them to be divided into AU&apos;s.  Please test this plugin with your collection before deploying, and if it is not functioning properly, write a new plugin.  Any changes to this plugin itself should be carefully considered and tested before deployment as it effects multiple collections.</string>
    <string>Generic Collection Plugin</string>
      <string>4,&quot;^%s&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;%s/lockss/manifest.html$&quot;, base_url</string>
      <string>1,&quot;^%s/?$&quot;, base_url</string>
Parameter Values Status Copies