Title FSU Biological Scientist, Dr Prasad Diatomscapes I and II Collections TIFFs
Archive SDC
Plugin edu.fsu.DiatomscapesPlugin by Florida State
Base URL http://nas-725n.lib.fsu.edu/fsu_diatomscapes01_prasad/
Description The Diatomscapes collection consists of diatoms (“microscopic, single-celled plants that thrive in freshwater, saltwater, brackish water and even semi-terrestrial environments” (Prasad, 2005)) and Radiolarian (“amoeboid protozoa that produce intricate mineral skeletons” (Reference.com, 2008)) digital images developed by Florida State University’s Department of Biological Science faculty member, Dr. A.K.S.K. Prasad.
Repository Type Not specified

Related Items

Alternative Dr. A.K.S.K. Prasad Images of Biological Silica
AccrualPeriodicity yearly
AccessRights restricted
Creator FSU Biological Scientist, Dr. A.K.S.K. Prasad
Description The Diatomscapes collection consists of diatoms (“microscopic, single-celled plants that thrive in freshwater, saltwater, brackish water and even semi-terrestrial environments” (Prasad, 2005)) and Radiolarian (“amoeboid protozoa that produce intricate mineral skeletons” (Reference.com, 2008)) digital images developed by Florida State University’s Department of Biological Science faculty member, Dr. A.K.S.K. Prasad.
Extent 5673365686
Format image/tiff
Format text/xml
Language eng
Publisher FSU
Provenance The images of biological silica which make up Diatomscapes I were discovered by Dr. A.K.S.K. Prasad and are housed in the FSU Biological Science department.
Rights Permission must be secured in writing to copy or publish these images. Images are subject to U.S. and international copyright laws.
Spatial Southeastern part of the USA
        <displayName>Base URL</displayName>
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    <string>&quot;%s&quot;, base_url</string>
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    <string>This plugin represents images of biological silica as part of Diatomscapes I as developed by FSU Biological Scientist, Dr. A.K.S.K. Prasad and the first FSU faculty member&apos;s research data to be preserved as part of FSU collection harvest for the MetaArchive Cooperate.</string>
    <string>FSU Diatomscapes Plugin</string>
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      <string>1,&quot;%s&quot;, base_url</string>
Parameter Values Status Copies